Q: How do UTeach seminars differ from other courses?
A: Most courses are 4 units with a letter grade or Pass/No Pass option. UTeach seminars are 1 unit, Pass/No Pass only. UTeach courses count 1 unit towards the 180 required for graduation, but they do not satisfy any other university, GE, school, major, or minor requirements.
Q: How many UTeach seminars may a student enroll in per quarter?
A: A student may enroll in a maximum of two UTeach seminars in his or her entire career at UCI. Please note that the registrar’s current system does not enforce this restriction in advance; if you lose track and enroll in a third UTeach seminar, it will show up on your transcript as an “unauthorized repeat.”
Q: Why should I take a UTeach seminar?
A: The topics are interesting; they span a wide range of fields that aren’t covered by existing courses at UCI. The instructors are enthusiastic about their topics and it’s fun to learn from someone generationally close to you. The seminars give you a chance to explore some topic without imposing a large academic workload.